The Mahindra Group Chairman announced in a recent tweet that an elderly woman named Kamalathal, also known as idli amma, will soon “have her own house cum workspace from where she will cook and sell idlis.”
Only rarely does one get to play a small part in someone's inspirational storey, and I'd like to thank Kamalathal, best known as Idli Amma, for letting us play a small part in hers, according to Anand Mahindra's tweet. She will soon have her own home and office where she will prepare and sell idlis.
Only rarely does one get to play a small part in someone's inspirational storey, and I'd like to thank Kamalathal, best known as Idli Amma, for letting us play a small part in hers, according to Anand Mahindra's tweet. She will soon have her own home and office where she will prepare and sell idlis.
He also thanked BharatGas Coimbatore for continuing to supply her with LPG. His team will also assist Amma in getting her work room built according to her specifications.
Twitter fans have highly appreciated this step towards helping someone by a big personality like Anand mahindra. They have also acclaimed that serving poor is like serving God!