On social media, a farmer from Bihar's Aurangabad district is turning heads. The farmer spent Rs 2.5 lakh to raise hop shoots, a crop that is barely seen in the Indian market. The young farmer growing a rare vegetable known as 'hop shoots,' which costs about Rs 1 lakh, has generated quite a stir on social media. The production of 'hop shoots,' considered the most expensive vegetable ever, began on a trial basis, and more than 60% of it has now been completed successfully. The flower, which is traditionally grown in America and Europe, was first cultivated in Himachal Pradesh's Lahaul, but marketing was hindered by the exorbitant price.
Hop-shoots' fruit and stem are used in the production of beverages, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals, such as antibiotics. In the treatment of tuberculosis, a drug made from the stems of hop shoots is said to have a high curative effect (TB).