Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ has inaugurated the new centre of happiness named ‘Anandam’ at Indian Institute of Management, IIM Jammu.
Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank' has opened the ‘Anandam' happiness centre at the Indian Institute of Management in Jammu. Mr Manoj Sinha, Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of the Art of Living Foundation, were also present at the virtual gathering.
The Education Minister spoke to the viewers, stressing the importance of incorporating satisfaction in students' academic curriculum. “Deadlines, coursework, teaching loads, and professional and personal life pressures cause tension in students and faculty,” he said. Teachers and students alike suffer from depression and anxiety as a result of this.”
“As a result, the centre will assist people in overcoming mental stress and spreading positivity, as well as promote and propagate holistic growth for all IIM Jammu stakeholders,” he added.Counseling, holistic wellbeing, elective courses on happiness growth, study and leadership, and faculty development will all be available at the happiness centre.Mr Sinha addressed the advantages of yoga, meditation, and other spiritual activities for students, saying that they help them reach their full potential. He went on to say that remaining happy is the greatest prayer anyone can make to God and that it is a true definition of happiness.