Today, Amit Shah will pay tribute to the jawans ambushed by Naxals along the Bijapur-Sukma border in Chhattisgarh. The bodies of 20 security forces were discovered in the jungles of Bijapur, Chhattisgarh, bringing the total death toll to 22 in the worst ever Naxal assault in four years, which was the product of an ambush by 400 rebels who surrounded the jawans from three sides and rained machinegun fire and IEDs on them for several hours.
The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) lost eight men, while the local police lost 14 jawans, making a total of 22 casualties. A rescue campaign has been conducted for one soldier who is missing. Amit Shah, who had gone to Assam to vote for the election, cut short his stay and returned to Delhi. Following that, Amit Shah held a high-level meeting at his residence to review the security situation in Chhattisgarh in the aftermath of the killing of 22 security personnel in the state by Naxals.