Anupama Star Rupali Ganguly shared on her Instagram post that she has been tested positive for covid-19 despite all the precautions that the Anupama team has been taking. She has apologised the team members for letting them down. She has also informed that she has isolated herself from her family members and any human. She has however appealed her fans to pray for the well being of her family and team members whose Covid test results are still awaited.
It has been a big challenge for the producer of the show to change the story line for now as the main lead of the show would not be able to perform for sometime now. Moreover, since Anupama has been trending no. 1 in terms of TRP, it would be slightly challenging now to keep up the show and the expectations of the viewers when fans were liking and very much involved in the current storyline where anupama has started expressing her love for vanraj.