Amid the rising cases in the capital city, CM Arvind Kejriwal ordered to keep all schools, private or government closed for all grades of classes till any further notice. Earlier, this week, night curfew has been imposed to curb the spread of the fourth wave of Covid-19 in the capital.
As Delhi implements a night curfew to combat the spread of COVID-19, the Gurugram Traffic Police have issued a traffic advisory prohibiting private vehicles from entering Delhi after 10 p.m. until April 30. On its official Twitter account, the Gurugram Traffic Police issued a traffic warning, urging people not to drive at night.
Moreover, In the wake of an increase in coronavirus cases in the national capital, the Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital in Delhi shut down all non-Covid facilities on Friday. The hospital said in a statement that all non-Covid facilities at Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital are hereby suspended with immediate effect until further orders are sent.